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How Leonardo DiCaprio handles his staff is revealed by the actor’s former helper.


Despite being one of Hollywood’s most well-known actors, Leonardo DiCaprio is a master at keeping his private life a secret.

Paparazzi photographs and the occasional interview have given us a look into their relationships, but the person who hooked up with Leonardo DiCaprio at the height of his fame may have the most insight into who he truly is. – His helper.

The former chief of staff of Leonardo DiCaprio has spoken up about her time spent with the star.

In 2003, while Leonardo DiCaprio was filming “The Aviator,” Kasie Brown served as his assistant. She quit once the filming was finished.

Her acquaintance, who worked as Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistant during the 2002 filming of “Catch Me If You Can,” helped her land the position.

While filming “Catch Me If You Can,” Brown had an opportunity to get to know everyone, and when her companion went on to other projects, Brown took over as Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistant.

In 2016, Brown remarked to the Huffington Post, “Leo and I always had a good time on set.” In addition to this, the two frequently wandered the sets while mimicking accents.

The two frequently cracked jokes, and their friendship was very humorous. She also disclosed a joke that the two had made on many occasions.

Brown confessed, “There are moments when I think he was the stereotypical entitled star. “And whenever he asked me to do something, I would kneel down and groan.

Yes, sir, is there anything more you would want to say, sir? He would then chuckle and instruct me to turn it off.

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She said Leonardo DiCaprio is so “down to earth.”

Brown, a budding filmmaker, stated that DiCaprio taught him a lot while they were filming.

He was also intelligent and kind to everyone on the sets.

He loves to share tales and life experiences with others, she added, and he is really down to earth.

Seeing him work so passionately was also motivational.

Brown recalled, “I witnessed him step over all the cracks and patches on the floor on our route on the way to set day one. I could tell he was going into character because he was portraying the OCD Howard Hughes.

When one of the stars was unavailable to reshoot a sequence for “The Aviator,” Brown was given the opportunity to take his place.

She received accolades for her acting abilities from both Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese, the film’s director.

“Marty approached me after the scene was removed and said, “You’re an actor!” Leo then departed the scene and yelled, “Kashi!” In a distressed voice, “Black said.

These two gave me confidence in my acting and the effort I put in to learn as much as I could while assisting Leo on set.

Even after Brown stopped working as Leonardo DiCaprio’s assistant, the two remained in contact.

Leonardo DiCaprio urged Brown to submit his work to his production firm when he started working on his own projects.

Brown was able to create and helm the comedy “Gone Doggy Gone” in 2015.

She added that Leonardo DiCaprio was one of those individuals who continued to be encouraging and helpful to her throughout her professional life.

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