There are several reasons why viewers will like Season 5 of Cobra Kai, including the inclusion of retro 80s music and high school students performing complex karate techniques.

The new season premiered on Friday and has already received a perfect Rotten Tomatoes rating from both reviewers and viewers.

The whole fifth season's 10 episodes were made available on Netflix on Friday, and both reviewers and viewers have given it high marks on Rotten Tomatoes.

Critic Nina Metz advised viewers to "embrace the cheese," and Nerd Reactor's John Nguyen called Season 5 "crazy, large, and wild."

One audience member claimed that the programme transported her back to her youth and freed viewers from the stress of the present.

Early in 2022, The Karate Kid spinoff proudly spent four weeks in Netflix's Global Top 10 for TV.

New heroes and antagonists from the 1984 film trilogy Karate Kid return with each new season.

Cobra Kai's fifth season premieres on Netflix on September 9.

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